Privacy Policy

Alu-Rex is committed to respecting the confidentiality of personal information collected from users on our website. Such personal information collected from users on our website. Such personal information can only be shared by Alu-Rex with its employees and business partners for the purposes of offering products and services, as described in this Policy. Alu-Rex may not communicate with its users for the purposes of offering unsolicited products and services deemed to be of interest.

You have entrusted your personnal information to Alu-Rex. We are committed to using it solely for commercial purposes and to treat it with utmost confidentiality. Your personal information is kept in confidence. We do not hand over, lease, or loan our lists to anyone.

We respect your privacy choices. If you prefer, we can limit the information sent to you with regard to our products or services.


If you should have any concerns or questions, please contact our Customer Service agent at 1-855-525-8739 with regard to this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will assume that you agree that we continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes listed in the following Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

You can contact us at any time using the contact information below if you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy.

Privacy Officer

Marie-Andrée Vézina
Marketing Director
2180, avenue de la Rotonde
Lévis (Québec) G6X 2L8